Menu Plan Monday for January 25th, 2009

Menu Plan Monday for January 25th, 2009

 Menu Plan Monday

Starting today, whenever I can, I will post my dinner menu for the week. There are quite a few bloggers who do this and you can look at their menus by clicking on the "Menu Plan Monday" graphic above.

Now, here's a little additional info for you about weekly menu calendars:

I used to plan my menus on a calendar, whether that was online or in my hand. But since then, I discovered an app called Paprika that I absolutely love. I plan to write a post about the Paprika App asap with a video demo included.

For now though, here is what we are eating this week for dinner:

Sunday: Beef Vegetable Soup, Spinach Salad (pecans, dried cranberries, red onion and Feta cheese) with Smokey Poppy Seed Dressing

Monday: Classic Chicken Divan, Brown Rice with Peas and Parsley, Steamed and Buttered Yellow Squash

Tuesday: Pinto Beans, Kaufman Real Chili Rellenos, Jicama and Cilantro Slaw

Wednesday: Stuffed Bell Peppers, Brown Rice Fetuccini with Marinara Sauce, Mixed Green Salad with Easy Poppy Seed Dressing

Thursday: Greek Lamb Stew with Spinach and Artichokes, Fresh Fruit, Cool and Creamy Pea Salad

Friday: Country Style Pork Ribs, Winter Squash with Pecans and Blue Cheese, Mixed Green Salad

Saturday: Curried Chicken Salad, Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup (from Trader Joe's), Fruit, Crusty Sprouted Bread Have a great week in the kitchen!


  1. Great Menu ideas. I use a printable calendar free from I am not sure if you have checked them out, but I really love the home notebook pages. Good luck with the Menu Plan Monday. Have a great week.

  2. So many yummy recipes. Thanks for sharing links.

    Welcome to Menu Plan Monday.

    I use a magnetic weekly pad on my fridge and use my blog as an ongoing record.

    Have a great week.


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Sharon Kaufman
Jesus Christ has been my Savior since 1975. Robert, the wonderful man that God provided to love me has been my husband for 48 of those years. We have five grown children, with children of their own. Of course, that means that we have grandchildren - ten to be exact, and nine great-grandchildren with another one on the way. I have been a stay-at-home mom, sometimes helping to supplement the income from within the home. Now I am a stay-at-home grandmother. Jesus Christ has been my guide and keeper and I have found, in all the trials, heartbreaks and good times that He just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter as the years roll by. My future is secure and I look forward to eternity in the presence of my Creator, Redeemer and King.
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