Breakfast Porridge with Blueberries

Breakfast Porridge with Blueberries

This recipe is from Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions cookbook. And it's gooood!

1 cup organic rolled oats
1 cup warm filtered water plus 2 tablespoons whey, yogurt, kefir or buttermilk
1/2 teaspoon real sea salt (it's not all white)
1 cup of filtered water
1 tablespoon organic flax seeds (optional)
1/2 cup organic blueberries

Note: For the highest benefits and best assimilation, porridge should be soaked overnight or even longer. Once soaked, oatmeal cooks up in less than 5 minutes - truly a fast food. Those with severe milk allergies can use lemon juice or vinegar in place of whey, yogurt, kefir or buttermilk.

Mix oats with warm water mixture, cover and leave in a warm place for at least 7 hours and as long as 24 hours. Bring an additional 1 cup of water to a boil with sea salt. Add soaked oats, reduce heat, cover and simmer several minutes. Meanwhile, grind optional flax seeds in a mini grinder. Remove from heat, stir in optional flax seeds and 2 tablespoons blueberries for each bowl. Let stand for a few minutes. Serve with plenty of butter or cream and a natural sweetener like Rapadura, date sugar, maple syrup, palm sugar, stevia or raw honey. You may also wish to add crispy nuts or dried sweet coconut meat.

Makes 4 servings


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Sharon Kaufman
Jesus Christ has been my Savior since 1975. Robert, the wonderful man that God provided to love me has been my husband for 48 of those years. We have five grown children, with children of their own. Of course, that means that we have grandchildren - ten to be exact, and nine great-grandchildren with another one on the way. I have been a stay-at-home mom, sometimes helping to supplement the income from within the home. Now I am a stay-at-home grandmother. Jesus Christ has been my guide and keeper and I have found, in all the trials, heartbreaks and good times that He just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter as the years roll by. My future is secure and I look forward to eternity in the presence of my Creator, Redeemer and King.
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