Blog Nog

Blog Nog

Here's a good and simple recipe for eggnog. It does use raw eggs - the healthiest way to eat them. If you are hesitant to use raw eggs because of foodborne illness, you should know that eggs that are organic and pastured are far less likely to contain pathogens (illness-causing bacteria). Also, if you raise chickens sustainably/organically for eggs, it will be unlikely that the eggs would ever be contaminated.  

In addition, it's a good practice to clean the outside of the egg with an efficient pathogen-killing cleaner to help prevent foodborne illness. I keep one spray bottle filled with full-strength hydrogen peroxide and another with full-strength white vinegar. To clean the outside of an egg, spray first with either the vinegar or peroxide and then spray again with the other solution. Wipe with a clean paper towel and use as directed in the recipe below:

Blog Nog

4 cups of milk
2 cups half and half
6 eggs, well beaten
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup pure organic maple syrup
4 teaspoons stevia
dash of salt
8 ice cubes

1.Place ingredients in a blender. 

2. Blend until completely combined. 

3. Serve with extra nutmeg sprinkled on top. 

Makes 6 twelve-ounce servings.


  1. Hey Sharon,
    Great blog! I will be bookmarking it.
    I just wanted to point out that eggs bought from the store have been washed and no longer contain the protective covering called the bloom. Since the bloom no longer protects the egg and bacteria can get into the egg. This also probably means contamination is happening after the eggs have been washed. First it will contaminate the whites and then the yoke. Store bought eggs are often stored for long periods of time and sometimes through the delivery and stocking are not kept at proper temperatures. Salmonella bacteria breeds in warmth so by the time we bring the eggs home they could contain a lot of bacteria if the there was carelessness in handling the eggs prior to purchasing.
    Farm fresh eggs are less likely to have salmonella because of the conditions in which the chickens are kept but also because of freshness.
    I am not an egg expert but I have done my research on this years ago when there was another salmonella scare.
    I will have to try this recipe. It sounds yummy :)


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Sharon Kaufman
Jesus Christ has been my Savior since 1975. Robert, the wonderful man that God provided to love me has been my husband for 48 of those years. We have five grown children, with children of their own. Of course, that means that we have grandchildren - ten to be exact, and nine great-grandchildren with another one on the way. I have been a stay-at-home mom, sometimes helping to supplement the income from within the home. Now I am a stay-at-home grandmother. Jesus Christ has been my guide and keeper and I have found, in all the trials, heartbreaks and good times that He just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter as the years roll by. My future is secure and I look forward to eternity in the presence of my Creator, Redeemer and King.
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