Serving Our Husbands Through a Nourishing Diet - Part One

Serving Our Husbands Through a Nourishing Diet - Part One

An Important Education for Women
Many studies have found that married men live longer than bachelors. Diet is a significant factor. One study showed that: ''Women traditionally take more responsibility for the home than men do, and, as a consequence, a woman's education might be more important for the family lifestyle - for example, in terms of food habits…(which) could have a substantial influence on the health and mortality of the partner.”

Time to Wise-up!
My “education” commenced about 6 years ago, at the onset of ill-health. After discovering The Weston A. Price Foundation, which is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, I realized that I knew very little about nutrition.

These “nutrient-dense” foods, demonized by today’s diet gurus - butter, eggs, whole raw milk, cream, saturated fats, red meat, organ meats, etc. - God-sanctioned for the human diet. 1 Timothy 4:3-4 elaborates “…foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good…”.

As these foods were prioritized in our diet, and all the processed so-called “health foods” (low-fat-this, cholesterol-free-that, etc.) were eliminated, our health improved dramatically. Within a few months, many prescription drugs were eliminated (with our doctor's guidance), whole foods having helped to resolve many problems (high blood pressure, for instance).

Helping My Husband
Putting nourishing foods on the table is a very real way I can assist my husband in regard to his physical well-being so that he can continue serving as God has called him. A longtime Bible teacher – in the pulpit (though he is not a pastor), at mid-week Bible study, to seminary students abroad, etc. - Robert and two other men will be conducting several Pastor's conferences this June in the Southern Sudan. His health is crucial to these ministries. I want to do what I can to help him continue to minister God’s word for the good of His people and His glory.

Continue reading this post over at Keeper of the Home.

Read Serving Our Husbands Through a Nourishing Diet - Part Two


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Sharon Kaufman
Jesus Christ has been my Savior since 1975. Robert, the wonderful man that God provided to love me has been my husband for 48 of those years. We have five grown children, with children of their own. Of course, that means that we have grandchildren - ten to be exact, and nine great-grandchildren with another one on the way. I have been a stay-at-home mom, sometimes helping to supplement the income from within the home. Now I am a stay-at-home grandmother. Jesus Christ has been my guide and keeper and I have found, in all the trials, heartbreaks and good times that He just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter as the years roll by. My future is secure and I look forward to eternity in the presence of my Creator, Redeemer and King.
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